Desert Christian Fellowship

Since 1972

Our Beliefs


We Believe

We believe in Jesus Christ as God incarnate, Lord, Savior, and coming King. We believe in the one triune God, made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word. It is inspired by God, completely accurate and flawless, and our only authority regarding our Christian beliefs and living.

Salvation is a gift from God to man. Man can never make up for his sin by self-improvement or good works. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God’s offer of forgiveness can man be saved from sin’s penalty. Eternal life begins the moment one receives Jesus Christ into his life by faith. (John 1:12, 14:6; Romans 5:1, 6:23; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5)


Baptism is a necessary step in your spiritual journey of faith in Christ. We believe every person who places their faith in Christ should be baptized as a response to Christ’s commandment.

Every example of New Testament Baptism we see in the Bible demonstrates that first a person comes to believe in Christ, repents of their sinful life, and then he or she is baptized (some examples: Acts 2:38, 8:38-39, and 10:43-48)Baptism is the means by which followers of Christ are identified. (Matthew 28:19)

Our History

In the spring of 1968, as Jim Fish and his wife Katie traversed the desolate stretch of old U.S. 80 near Winterhaven, California, they stumbled upon a community of retired individuals, the modern-day snowbirds, camped along the highway in RVs. It was here, amidst the barren desert, that Jim envisioned a future where he could make a difference. A volunteer chaplain in the Air Force, he discerned a need to organize and support these isolated individuals. Determined, Jim and Katie committed to establishing a church and community center in the desert after Jim's retirement in 1970.

Their perseverance bore fruit when, in 1974, the Christian Service Center emerged from humble beginnings—a 16-by-45 foot trailer purchased with a $100 down payment. An anonymous donor stepped forward to settle the balance, marking the birth of a small trailer city on rented ranch land. Over the years, the Fishes, supported by a dedicated team of 60 volunteers, transformed the center into a haven for the 15,000 winter visitors. The center not only provides non-denominational church services but also extends a helping hand through services like mail delivery, message services, arts and crafts, repairs, and various recreational activities.

Mission Statement

Our intent here at Christian Service Center is to be faithful to God and His Word while being relevant to our world and the needs of today’s people. We will not water down or compromise God’s message, but we are constantly looking for better ways to convey that message to the world around us. We make every attempt to carry out our mission in Christian love and grace. We strive to be a body of believers that will truly “Make A Difference” for our God!

Church Leadership

Jim and Katie Fish


Zen Voorhies

Seasonal Pastor

Tom and Karen Noble

Worship Leaders

CSC Staff 


Betty Albright